The current UK lockdown intended to protect us from the coronavirus pandemic is now entering into its eighth week and alongside the tragedy of not having the opportunity to meet often with one’s close relatives, friends and neighbours, there is the  requirement that churches also should be closed for public services; that mourners at funerals  should be severely restricted and also that baptisms must be postponed in line with the clear requirement from the government that places of worship remain closed.

Sadly, we have recently read reports of the spread of the virus following the fact that many Orthodox churches abroad have resisted such rules, especially during the traditional Paschal celebration which recently took place. We learn that several monks and theological students of the Russian Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra have been infected with the virus, whilst at the celebrated Diveyevo Convent near the city of Nizhny-Novgorod two of the nuns have now died from the virus, whilst 76 have been tested positive. 

Prior to the lockdown in the UK, the British Orthodox Church introduced a number of measures intended to limit the possibility of the spread of contagion, although these were swiftly followed by a total lockdown for all public services.

However, the pastoral responsibility of our clergy means that not only are the needs of our society at this time, as well as those suffering from the virus, strongly sustained in prayer, but that the Divine Liturgy as the prototype of intercession is still regularly celebrated, although just for the present in private rather than in public.  Although to date none of our British Orthodox faithful have succumbed to the virus, their physical, mental and general well-being continues to be upheld in prayer. We also continue to commemorate the faithful departed on their regular anniversaries as well as those who have recently died.  

Among many requests being received are those for the baptism of infants, some of which were scheduled before the outbreak of the pandemic. In the light of our Lord’s words to Nicodemus that “Unless one is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John III:3) we are clearly reluctant to delay these baptisms longer than necessary. In the case of young children suffering from serious illness, churches have always accepted the need for emergency baptisms to be performed. Although traditionally the ministers of baptism have always been in holy orders, it is recognised that someone who is a properly baptised person – although not themselves in holy orders – possesses the right to confer the  sacrament as the “laver of regeneration” during times of crisis, so that those baptised  are joined to Christ thereby acquiring the status of adopted children of God. Those performing the baptism must either pour on or immerse the child in water and use the correct Trinitarian formula, “I baptise thee in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God. Amen”. Also among the prayers recommended to be used at such a ceremony should be the Lord’s Prayer as well as the Nicene Creed. Unless they are following the strictest social distancing, either the child’s father or mother, should be the officiant.

As soon as the UK lockdown terminates and the churches resume public services, the parents should then bring the child whom they have baptised themselves, to the church in order to receive conditional re-baptism at the hands of a priest or bishop, who will then also administer the holy chrismation whereby  our spirit is renewed through receiving the Holy Spirit, which is always done at an Orthodox baptism.

Christ is Risen !

Christ is Risen ! Although we deeply regret the necessity not to maintain public worship in British Orthodox churches during the current pandemic, our clergy are now privately celebrating the Divine Liturgy in their homes in order to still maintain the faithful in prayer during Eucharistic celebrations. The attached homily on our Lord’s Resurrection, delivered by Abba Seraphim at our Chatham Church two years ago,is still highly relevant to our spirituality, not only for today’s Feast of Holy Pascha, but also for each Lord’s Day which also commemorates the Resurrection and also at this international time of trial when so many people have died as a result of being infected by the coronavirus. In addition to praising God for our Lord’s resurrection from the dead, we are deeply thankful for the promise of resurrection for the faithful departed and of the eternal life, which is given to all the faithful in Christ.

Homily for the Feast of Christ’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Orthodox Palm Sunday)

Homily Sixth Sunday in Lent, John IX: 1-41

As public services in British Orthodox Churches are temporarily suspended because of the current pandemic, we would encourage people to add the above Gospel reading to their private prayers and to listen to the attached homily by His Beatitude Abba Seraphim on today’s Gospel.

Homily Fifth Sunday in Lent, John V: 1-18

As public services in British Orthodox Churches are temporarily suspended because of the current pandemic, we would encourage people to add the above Gospel reading to their private prayers and to listen to the attached homily by His Beatitude Abba Seraphim on today’s Gospel.