Memorial dedicated at Bournemouth Church


At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Christ the Saviour, Winton, Bournemouth, Abba Seraphim dedicated a brass memorial plaque to his late Mother, Joyce Edwards, who died last December. Although attached to the former Trotton Mission when she was living at Liphook, in Hampshire, she and Abba Seraphim’s step-father, Peter Edwards, were regular visitors to the Bournemouth Church over many years. At her request she was buried in the nearby Wimborne Road cemetery and her husband’s ashes, which had rested in the Cinerarium at the Bournemouth Church following his death, were later interred in the grave with Abba Seraphim’s mother.

Joint announcement from the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom and the British Orthodox Church of the British Isles


The Coptic Orthodox Church (COC) has been present in Britain since the 1960s, and through its ministry became known to the British Orthodox Church of the British Isles (BOC). Subsequently, in 1994 the BOC approached the COC with a view to becoming part of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, and upon acceptance and agreement of this new relationship, a protocol was signed in 1994, since when the BOC has been a full and effective part of the Patriarchate.

In the same spirit with which this union came into being at the request of the BOC in 1994, it is now agreed, again at its request, that the BOC will return to its pre-1994 status in fulfillment to what it sees as its current mission in the light of the developments and changing dynamics of the Middle East and Britain.

We will continue to pray for our communities, our clergy and our people, that they effectively live and fulfil their Christian witness in Britain, and serve their wider community at a time when that faithful Christian presence is critical.


HE Metropolitan Seraphim of Glastonbury  


HG Bishop Angaelos General Bishop Coptic Orthodox Church United Kingdom

Download the full press release in PDF format here

New-Build House blessing


Following the Divine Liturgy at Babingley on 20 September, Abba Seraphim visited the newly built terrace house of the Malheiro family in the Nar Valley Park development in King’s Lynn, which he blessed. The housing development is one of the largest regeneration projects in the East of England and is built on the Nar Ouse 120 acre site, south of King’s Lynn town centre, which will include a business park, landscaped gardens and a commercial developmernt. Gabriel and Maria were both married at St. Mary & Felix Church at Babingley and their two children, Daniel & Stephanie, were also baptised there. After the service Abba Seraphim presented the family with an ikon of the Mother of God and the Saviour for their new home and joined the family for Sunday lunch.

BOC London Mission at Shadwell closes

The transfer of Father Peter Farrington to wider work within the Patriarchal diocese in the UK, has necessitated a review of the mission activities begun by him. As a result, the Windsor, Stoke-on-Trent and Swindon missions have now been transferred to the oversight of His Grace Bishop Angaelos.

The BOC London Mission at St. George-in-the-East at Shadwell, which began in March 2012, was established to serve as a centre for our people in the capital and as a means of teaching about the Orthodox faith and tradition. Unfortunately it has been decided that currently there isn’t sufficient manpower to sustain an effective ministry there and we will return to using St. Thomas’s at Charlton as our London base.

The scheduled services and Study Evenings at Shadwell for this month through to the end of the year, have therefore been cancelled. Abba Seraphim has now also assumed responsibility for running the Chatham Church, where the Liturgy will be monthly for the time being.

Celebrations in South Yorkshire


On 29 August Abba Seraphim  visited Saint Mary Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church, which currently worships in Saint Charles Borremeo Catholic Church in Attercliffe, Sheffield, to share with them the celebration of the Feast of the Assumption of St. Mary, according to their calendar. Assisting him at the Liturgy were Father Yonas Tesheme, the parish priest, as well as Father Habtom Ftuwi from the Eritrean community in Manchester and Father Phanuel from Fribourg in Switzerland. During the liturgy Abba Seraphim ordained four of the congregation  to the rank of Epsaltos: Nahom Mussie, Habtom Kibron, Ebenezer Woldu and Msgna Gebrhiwot. Following the liturgy they were joined by clergy from local churches who came to enjoy the traditional celebrations and the award of certificates to high-achieving Sunday School pupils.


The next day, Sunday, 30 August, being the new ecclesiastical year for the British Orthodox Church, Abba Seraphim celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Mark & St. Hubert’s Church at Cusworth, near Doncaster, assisted by Father David Seeds, the parish priest, and Archdeacon Alexander Astill. They were joined by the three Eritrean priests and a number of the members of the Manchester church. After the Liturgy they performed traditional church dances in the Cusworth churchyard, to the delight of passing villagers.
