Sign of Jonah

Feast of the Holy Theophany

Abba Seraphim’s Christmas Message

During the Divine Liturgy for the Eve of the Nativity Feast, which Abba Seraphim celebrated at St. Alban & St. Athanasius British Orthodox Church in Chatham, he addressed the issue of the secularisation  of Christmas. However, he believed it is important for Christians to emphasise the fact that they are not simply celebrating the Lord’s birthday – although “words cannot express the joy of new life” – but the incarnation of the Logos, the second person of the Holy Trinity, the Theanthropos, “begotten of His father before all ages”, for which St. John’s Gospel and the Nicene Creed jointly provide profound insight.

Memorial Prayers for King Michael at Bournemouth

On Sunday, 17 December, following the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Christ the Saviour in Winton, Bournemouth, Memorial Prayers were said for the repose of the late King Michael I of Roumania, who died on 5 December, aged 96 years. Abba Seraphim, who presided at the service, spoke warmly of the late king’s character and the fact that in times of crisis and political change he had remained a constant and faithful monarch and had been widely regarded as a symbol of morality and committed service to his people. Although his reign (1927-1930 & 1940-1947) had ended with the abolition of the Roumanian monarchy, his legacy of peace by effecting Roumania’s withdrawal from the Axcis Alliance during World War II, undoubtedly saved many lives. The presence of the Prince of Wales at his funeral the previous day in Bucharest, which was attended by tens of thousands of mourners, highlighted the affectionate respect of the United Kingdom. Abba Seraphim felt privileged to lead prayers for the late King in solidarity with devout Roumanians who worship at the Bournemouth Church.

The Glastonbury Review resumes publication

Issue No. 127 (November 2017) of the Glastonbury Review has just been published. The previous issue was published in 2015, but after a gap necessitated by the changes consequent upon the resumption of the independence of the British Orthodox Church, we are happy to resume publication. The front and back covers carry colour photographs of the recent consecration of Abba David as an Auxiliary to the See of Glastonbury, as well as detailed reports inside.

The front and back covers contain coloured photographs of the recent consecration of Abba David as Auxiliary to the See of Glastonbury as well as detailed reports inside. The editorial (“The Same Journey, but different paths”) outlines the changes in our canonical position and our vision for the future and there is quite an extensive “Here, There & Everywhere” section chronicling key items of news since the last issue and reports in the Oriental Orthodox Church News section. Among the articles is one on the Sprotbrough Anchoresses by Father Alexis Raphael; a report of visits to the monasteries between Asuit & Sohag by Lady Coke,; “Lewis Carroll in Holy Russia” and a new feature, “Abba Seraphim’s Question Box” based on recent correspondence. The Book Review section has a number of interesting new publications, whilst the obituaries include the late Tasoni Effa, Metropolitan Kyrillos of Milan and Bishop Geoffrey Rowell.

Copies can bed obtained directly from LULU: