Glastonbury Review Issue 133 now available

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Issue No. 133 (March 2021) of the Glastonbury Review has just been published. Because of the three recent national lockdowns this issue comprises only 82 pages. The front cover reproduces an ikon of the Resurrection to remind the faithful that the Orthodox Holy Pascha will be on 2nd May, a full month after the Western Easter.

The editorial deals with the issue of the Detrimental Impact of the Current Pandemic on the Mission & Ministry of the Church and records how the British Orthodox Church has dealt with the latest lockdowns, and among other reports includes commentaries on the current Religious Persecution in Ethiopia and the Nagorno-Karabagh War.

This issue contains another article by Hieromonk John Ives on “The Enlighteners of Britain” dealing with Saint Joseph of Arimathea & The Holy Grail as well as two more previously unpublished articles by the late Mar Georgius, entitled “Ye Boke of Glastonbury” dealing with the Expansion of Celtic Christianity and the Conversion of the Heptarchy.

Abba Seraphim has also written an article dealing with the theology of Mar Pelagius (Richard Williams Morgan), 1815-1889, the first British Patriarch, who although he was regarded as a Welsh Tractarian was displeased with English Anglicans clergy who took office in Wales as he expressed a similar theological integrity to that which had been represented by the Nonjuror Anglicans at the end of the seventeenth century who looked to Orthodoxy rather than the Papacy as representing authentic Apostolic Catholicism. His hostility centred upon a satirical cartoon drawn by Ellis Owen Ellis (1813-1861), a portrait painter who was also known as Ellis Bryn-coch, which was published in Y Punch Cymraeg in 1858.

Abba David has written an article entitled “I Believe in God – Even in the 21st Century” intended for unbelievers and the uncommitted, so therefore argues from their point of view by using ideas they already know. As a means of benefitting our usual readers who are already well versed in Orthodox Theology, it is a means of approaching those who challenge it. He adopts a similar approach to Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, author of The Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Mind Behind the Universe, in which he challenges the views of late 19th century intellectuals who insisted that scientific knowledge conflicts with traditional theistic belief.

The ‘Book Review’ section includes George Alexander’s Patriarch Daniel and the Resurgence of the Romanian Orthodox Church; as well as two books edited by Abba Seraphim, Variety is the Spice: The Autobiography of Hugh George de Willmott Newman and Harold Bernard Copinger’s, Annals: The Lord’s Work in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries, a rare history of the ‘Irvingites’.

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