Funeral for Bridget McConnachie

Father Simon conducted the funeral of Bridget McConnachie in Slough on Tuesday 17th June. “The Lord is my shepherd” for the psalm was one of Bridget’s own choices for her funeral service, in the planning of which she had taken an active part. Indeed she had written a poem especially for the occasion, “This is the time to say goodbye” reflecting her love of family and her Orthodox Christian Faith.

This is the time to say goodbye
To everyone I’ve known
Don’t cry or weep or shed a tear
Because I’m going home

My family are so special to me
I’ve loved you throughout the years
You’ve brought me joy and sorrow
And oh so many fears

Looking back over the years I’ve had
To childhood and beyond
The memories come thick and fast
Like ripples in a pond

I have been a daughter, a wife, a mum
A grandmother filled with pride
The love that brings is awesome too
And oh the tears I’ve cried

I loved our church so tucked away
It brings me peace and love
The incense, the icons, the absolute awe
All sent from God above

The lord saw fit in my closing years
To teach me the Orthodox way
To learn much more about fearing God
And telling me how to pray

If it wasn’t for faith I’d be scared to die
But I’m not as it isn’t the end
It’s the beginning of life everlasting
As these days are only on lend

Our time in this life is all too short
Make the most of it while you can
Be happy and show your love to all
Whether woman, child or man

The British Orthodox Church was also represented by Tasony Sheila Smyth (Bournemouth and Portsmouth) and by Bridget’s close friend Mary Goodchild (Southampton Mission). Bridget’s earthly remains are to be interred in Bournemouth and it is also planned to add, in her memory, an icon of Saint Bridget to the growing number of icons of British saints adorning the Church of Christ the Saviour, Bournemouth, “our church so tucked away” that brought Bridget such “peace and love” and “absolute awe”.

4th November 1941 – 9th June 2014
Memory Eternal !