The Bishop or Priest, coming out of the holy doors, stands on the top of the soleas facing the people, and exclaims :

Priest : The Love of the Lord and Father, the grace of the Lord and Son, the communion and gift of the Holy Ghost, be with us all.

People : And with thy spirit.

The Bishop or Priest shall lift up his eyes and elevate his hands :

Priest : Lift up your hearts !

People : We lift them up unto the Lord.

Priest : Let us give thanks unto the Lord !

People : It is meet and right so to do.

Crossing his hands over his breast, the Bishop or Priest shall bow towards the people and return to the Holy Altar :

The Preface

Priest : It is very meet, right and our bounden duty to praise Thee, to hymn Thee, to bless Thee, to worship Thee, to glorify Thee, to give thanks unto Thee, the Creator of all things visible and invisible; the treasury of eternal good, the source of life and immortality, the God and Lord of all, Whom the heavens praise, the the heaven of heavens and all the power thereof, the sun and moon and all the choir of the stars, the earth, the sea and all that in them is, the assembly of the heavenly Jerusalem, the church of the first-born whose names are written in the heavens, the spirits of the righteous and prophets, the souls of the martyrs and apostles, angels, archangels, thrones, dominations, princedoms, virtues, and the fearsome powers, the many-eyed Cherubim and the six-winged Seraphim, who with twain do cover the face and with twain do cover the feet and with twain do fly, crying one to the other with ceaseless voices and unsilenced


Singing the hymn of victory of Thine excellent glory, with clear voice shouting, glorifying, crying aloud and saying :

Sanctus and Benedictus

People : +Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth; Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest !

+Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest !

Priest : Holy art Thou (+ he signs the diskos) O King of the ages and Lord and giver of all holiness (+ he signs the chalice) and holy is Thine Only-Begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom Thou madest all things (+ he signs them both) and holy is Thine all-holy Spirit, Who searcheth all things, even the deep things of God. Holy art Thou, ruler of all things, almighty, good, awful, merciful, shewing great pity for the work of Thy hands, Who didst make man from the earth in Thine own image and likeness, Who didst bestow freely upon him the delight of paradise, and when he transgressed Thy command and fell from thence, Thou didst not despise nor forsake him in Thy goodness, but didst chasten him as a merciful father; Thou didst call him by the Law and instruct him by the Prophets. Lastly Thou didst send Thine Only-Begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ into the world that He might by His coming renew and raise up Thine image in mankind, Who coming down from heaven and being incarnate of the Holy Ghost and Mary the Virgin Mother of God, lived among men and wrought all things for the salvation of our race. And being about to accept His willing and life-giving death by the cross, sinless on behalf of us sinners,

The Institution Narrative

In that night in which He was betrayed, or rather gave Himself up for the life and salvation of the world (here he takes the holy bread from the diskos with his left hand and holds it slightly elevated) took the bread into His holy and undefiled, blameless and immortal hands, and looking up to heaven and showing it to Thee His God and Father, gave thanks, hallowed (+ he signs the holy bread, and with the thumb of his right hand, indents the bread along a line from the hole at the top corner of the Spadikon to the top of the Oblation, and then from the top right corner of the Spadikon, beneath the hole, to the bottom of the Oblation, along a line to the immediate right of the Spadikon, and taking care not to break the loaf. With the thumb of his right hand he then indents the bread around the square immediately above the Spadikon and the square immediately below the Spadikon, taking care not to actually break them. Holding the larger left side of the Oblation in his left hand and the smaller right side of the Oblation in his right hand, he opens, or bends back slightly, the Oblation along the indented line from top to the bottom to the right of the Spadikon, taking care not to break it ) broke (still holding the two sides of the bread bent slightly back and open, breathes lightly into the opening within the bread, which he then ‘closes’) and gave it to His holy disciples and apostles (The Priest uses the thumb and forefinger of his right hand to break out the area beneath the surface crust but not through to the lower crust of the indented square immediately above the Spadikon, taking care not to break it from the loaf) saying …..

Deacon : For the remission of sins and for life eternal !

Priest : This is My Body Which is broken for you and given for the remission of sins.

People : Amen.

The Bishop or Priest partially lifts the holy chalice out of the Ark, as he says :

Priest : Likewise after supper He took the cup and mixed it of wine and water, and looking up to heaven He showing it to Thee His God and Father, gave thanks, hallowed (+ he signs the chalice) blessed and (breathing upon the chalice) filled it with Holy Spirit and gave to His holy and blessed disciples saying : Drink ye all of it: This is My Blood of the New Covenant Which is shed for you and for many and given for the remission of sins (he lowers the chalice back into the Ark).

People : Amen.

Priest : Do this in remembrance of Me; for as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do proclaim the death of the Son of Man and confess His resurrection until He comes.

Deacon : We believe and confess !

People : Thy death, O Lord, we proclaim and Thy resurrection we confess !

The Bishop or Priest signs both the holy diskos and the holy chalice and continues with bowed head :

The Anamnesis

Priest : And we sinners having in remembrance His life-giving sufferings, His saving cross and death, His burial and resurrection on the third day from the dead and His sitting at the right hand of Thee, His God and Father, and His second glorious and fearful coming, when He shall come to judge the living and the dead, when He shall reward every man according to his works; spare us, O Lord our God, especially according to His own pitifulness. We offer unto Thee, O Lord, this awesome and unbloody sacrifice, beseeching Thee that Thou deal not with us after our sins nor reward us after our iniquities, but according to Thy leniency and Thine unspeakable love towards mankind overlook and blot out the handwriting that is against us Thy suppliants; and of Thy free grace bestow on us Thy heavenly and eternal gifts that eye hath not seen nor ear hath heard nor hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive, but which Thou hast prepared, O God, for them that love Thee; and cast not away Thy people because of me and my sins, O Lord Thou Lover of Mankind; (slightly lifting his hands and chanting louder) for Thy people and Thy church entreat Thee.

People : Have mercy upon us, O Lord God the Father Almighty.

Priest : Thy people and Thy church entreat Thee.

People : Have mercy upon us, O Lord God the Father Almighty.

Priest : Thy people and Thy church entreat Thee.

People : Have mercy upon us, O Lord God the Father Almighty.

First Epiklesis

Priest : Have mercy upon us, O God Almighty, have mercy upon us, O God our Saviour, have mercy upon us, O God, after Thy great mercy and send forth upon us and upon these Gifts that lie before Thee Thine all-holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life; Who shareth Thy throne with Thee, O God and Father, and with Thine Only-Begotten Son; Who reigneth with Thee, of one substance and co-eternal; Who spake in the law and in the prophets and Thy New Testament; Who came down in the likeness of a dove upon our Lord Jesus Christ in the river Jordan and remained upon Him; Who came down upon Thine holy apostles in the likeness of tongues of fire in the upper room of the holy and glorious Sion in the day of holy Pentecost.

Second Epiklesis

Priest : Send down, O Lord, upon us and upon these Gifts that lie before Thee Thy self-same Spirit the all-holy that hovering with His holy and good and glorious coming He may hallow and make this bread the holy + ( and he signs the holy bread) Body of Christ.

People : Amen.

Priest : And this cup the precious Blood + (and he signs the chalice) of Christ

People : Amen.

Priest : That they may be unto all that partake of them for the forgiveness of sins and for eternal life.

People : Amen.

Priest : Unto the hallowing of souls and bodies, unto fruitfulness in good works, unto the establishment of Thy Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church which Thou hast founded upon the rock of the faith that the gates of hell should not prevail against it, delivering it from all heresy and scandals of them that work iniquity, preserving it until the end of time (he signs the diskos + and the chalice + separately).

People : Amen.

As incense is offered before the Holy Altar the people quietly and repeatedly sing :

People : Remember, O Lord our God.

While the people sing, “Remember, O Lord our God”, the bishop or priest prays with his hands slightly raised and his head bowed:

The Commemoration of the Living

Priest : We offer unto Thee, O Lord on behalf of Thy holy places, which Thou hast glorified by the epiphany of Thy Christ and the visitation of Thine all-holy Spirit, and chiefly for the holy and glorious Sion, the mother of all churches, and for Thy Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church throughout all the world; do Thou now bestow upon her, O Lord, the rich gifts of Thine all-holy Spirit.

Remember, O Lord, especially within her our holy fathers and bishops throughout the world, rightly dividing in Orthodoxy the word of Thy truth.

Remember, O Lord, among the first, our venerable Pope and Patriarch, Abba SHENOUDA, give him an honourable old age, preserve him for many years, shepherding Thy people in all piety and honour.

Remember, O Lord, according to the abundance of Thy mercy and Thy pity, me also, Thy humble and unprofitable servant and the priests and deacons that stand around Thy Holy Altar and grant unto them a blameless life, preserve unblemished their diaconate and priesthood and make them worthy of a good degree.

Remember, O Lord, this city (town/village) and every city and region, and the Orthodox who dwell in it, that they may inhabit it in peace and safety.

Remember, O Lord, our Sovereign Lady, Queen ELIZABETH, all the Reigning House, with her whole Court and Council, the forces of the crown and their help from heaven and victory. Touch their armour, shield them and arise to their help and humble before them all their enemies. Set aright their plans, so that we may live a peaceful and tranquil life in all piety and dignity.

Remember, O Lord, them that travel by land, sea or air and Christians that sojourn in strange countries; those of our fathers and brethren that are in bondage and in prisons, in captivity or exile, in the mines, in torture or in bitter slavery.

Remember, O Lord, them that are diseased and sick and them that are possessed by evil spirits and speedily help and deliver them, O God.

Remember, O Lord, every Christian soul that is afflicted and distressed, and that needeth Thy mercy and help, O God; and convert them that are in error.

Remember, O Lord, those of our fathers and brethren that labour and serve us for Thy Name’s sake.

Remember, O Lord, all men for good, have mercy upon all, O Lord, and be reconciled unto us all.

Vouchsafe also to remember, O Lord, all them that have been pleasing unto Thee from the beginning of time in their several generations, our holy fathers, the patriarchs and prophets, apostles and martyrs, confessors and holy teachers, and every righteous soul perfected in the faith of Thy Christ.

Remember, O Lord, her of whom the archangel’s voice said: Hail, thou who art full of grace; the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, because thou didst bring forth the Saviour of our souls !


Especially for our most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious Lady, the Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary.

And again, as incense is offered before the Holy Altar, the people sing quietly, as before :

People : Remember, O Lord our God.

The Commemoration of the Departed

Priest : For St. John, the glorious prophet, forerunner and baptist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Thaddaeus, Matthew, James, Simon, Jude, Matthias; Mark and Luke the evangelists; the holy prophets, patriarchs and righteous ones; saint Stephen, first of deacons and first of martyrs; and all the holy saints from the foundation of the world, not that we are worthy to make mention of their blessedness, but that they too, standing beside Thy fearful and dreadful judgment seat may in their turn make mention of our wretchedness, and we may find grace and mercy before Thee, O Lord, for succour in our time of need.

Remember, also, O Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh, them that we remembered and them we have not remembered of the Orthodox from righteous Abel unto this very day. Do Thou Thyself refresh them in the land of the living, in Thy kingdom, in the joy of paradise in the bosoms of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob our holy fathers, whence pain and grief and tribulation have fled away, where the light of Thy countenance surveyeth all things and shineth perpetually.

And grant us to make a Christian end and to please Thee, and direct our lives without sin and in peace, O Lord; and gather us together under the feet of Thine elect when Thou wilt and as Thou wilt, only that it be without shame and without iniquity.

Prayer for Pardon

Through Thine Only-Begotten Son, our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ; for He alone has appeared upon earth without sin, through Whom both to us and to them in Thy goodness and love of mankind.

People : Remit, forgive, pardon, O God, our offences, voluntary and involuntary, those we know and those we know not of, by the grace and pitifulness and love of mankind of Thy Only-Begotten Son; with Whom blessed be Thou and glorified with Thine all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and for ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Priest : Make us worthy, O Lord that lovest mankind, with boldness and without condemnation, with a clean heart, with soul enlightened and with unashamed face and holy lips, to dare to call upon Thee, our holy God and Father in heaven and to say:

The Lord’s Prayer

People : + Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Bishop or Priest shall say quietly :

Priest : And lead us not into temptation, Lord God of Hosts, Who knowest our infirmity, but deliver us from the Evil One and his works, and all his insults and devices, for Thine holy Name’s sake, which is invoked upon our humility.

(Aloud) For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, both now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

People : Amen.

Priest : Peace be unto all.

People : And with thy spirit.

Deacon : Let us bow our heads unto the Lord.

People : To Thee, O Lord.

Priest : (Quietly) We Thy servants, O Lord, have bowed our necks to Thee, before Thine Holy Altar, awaiting the abundant mercies which are from Thee. Send down upon us, O Lord, Thy rich grace and blessing and sanctify our souls and bodies and spirits, that we may become worthy partakers and communicants of Thine holy mysteries for the remission of our sins and eternal life.

(Aloud) For Thou art worshipped and glorified, O our God, and Thine Only-Begotten Son, and Thy most Holy Spirit, both now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

The Bishop or Priest signs the + diskos and the + chalice.

People : Amen.

The Bishop or Priest goes through the holy doors to the soleas and says this blessing over the people, with upraised hands :

Priest : May the grace and mercy of the holy, consubstantial, uncreated and adorable Trinity be with us all.

People : And with thy spirit.

He blesses the people and returns to the holy table.

Deacon : With the fear of God let us attend.

The Bishop or Priest takes up the Holy Bread with the finger tips of his hands and holding it slightly elevated says this prayer silently :

Priest : O Holy One, Who dwellest among the saints, sanctify us by the word of Thy grace and the coming of Thine all-holy Spirit, for Thou, O Lord, has said : be ye holy as I am holy. O Lord our God, incomprehensible Word of God, consubstantial, co-eternal, indivisible, receive this pure hymn in Thy holy and unbloody sacrifices with Cherubim and Seraphim, and from me a sinner, crying and saying : Holy things for holy persons !

People : There is One Holy, even One Lord Jesus Christ; in Whom are we, to the glory of God the Father.

Deacon : For the remission of our sins, and the propitiation of our souls, and for every afflicted and distressed soul, that needeth the pity and help of God ; and for the conversion of them that have strayed, the healing of them that are sick, the liberation of them that are in captivity, the rest of the fathers and brethren that have fallen asleep before us, let us fervently say :

People : Kyrie eleison (twelve times)

The Fraction, Consignation and Comixture

  1. Then the Bishop or Priest holding the Body in his left hand, separates the right (that is smaller or third) segment from the left (that is, larger or two thirds) by folding the two segments apart, and gently separating them.
  2. He places the smaller segment on top of the larger so that the two segments form a cross, holding the smaller segment between the forefinger and thumb of his left hand (that is, so that it is not resting directly on the larger segment); the straight edge of this segment is horizontal and in the east.
  3. He removes, with his right hand, the small portion at the top of the larger segment, and places this in the centre of the top of the diskos; this portion being known as the ‘Head’.
  4. He removes, with his right hand, the small portion at the bottom of the larger segment, and places this in the centre of the bottom of the diskos; this portion is known as the ‘Limbs’.
  5. He removes, with his right hand, the quarter portion of the smaller segment which is to his right as he looks upon the Body, and places it on the diskos to the right.
  6. He places the remainder of the smaller segment on the diskos to the left. There are thus four portions of the Body on the diskos in the form of a cross.
  7. The Priest, holding the larger segment vertically (and with the straight edge to the right) in his left hand, takes the central section (which contains the Spadikon) with his right hand and separates it from the rest by folding it downwards and gently separating it, and places it perpendicularly in the centre of the diskos.
  8. Holding the remainder of the larger segment in his left hand, he indents it into four segments, each containing a Cross, taking care not to separate any of the segments.
  9. Holding the now indented segment in his left hand, takes up the smaller segment on the left of the diskos with his right hand, and replaces it with the indented segment.
  10. Taking the smaller segment in his left hand, the Priest indents it into three segments, each containing a Cross, taking care not to separate any of the segments.
  11. The Priest the places the indented segment on the right side of the diskos immediately below the segment that was separated earlier in the fraction, and moving both segments so that they now appear as they were before the division. Thus the portion at the right side of the diskos is now divided into four portions like the portion on the left side.
  12. The Priest takes the central portion (containing the Spadikon) and holds it in his left hand, with his thumb and forefinger above the portion (above and below the Spadikon), and the other fingers below it, supporting it.
  13. The Priest uses the thumb and forefinger of his right hand to detach the Spadikon as completely as possible, but without breaking the central portion; thus, the Spadikon is separated from below the crust of the bread on top, but not completely through to the crust on the bottom so that the central segment remains entire.
  14. The Priest raises the Spadikon to his lips, and lightly kisses it.
  15. The Priest replaces the separated Spadikon within the central portion, and replaces the portion in the centre of the diskos, and carefully wipes his hands together to ensure that no fragments of the Body adhere to them.
  16. The Priest then gently moves all the separated portions of the Body together so that the Body appears intact, as if the Fraction had never occurred
  17. Taking the reconstructed Body with both hands, holding the forefinger and thumb of the left hand around the left half of the circumference of the Body and those of his right hand around the right half, the Priest lifts up the Body slightly from the diskos twice, lowering it, but not replacing it on the diskos completely or removing his hands from it.
  18. He then replaces the Body on the diskos, and wipes his hands together to ensure that even the tiniest particle does not remain on them.
  19. He takes the Spadikon from the Body with his right thumb and forefinger, holding the palm of his left hand upwards underneath the Spadikon, and raises the Spadikon above the chalice, making the Sign of the Cross over, but slightly inside, the chalice with the Spadikon; the seal of the Spadikon remaining horizontal and upright.
  20. The Priest slightly intincts the Spadikon with the Blood, and may press the Spadikon very slightly against the inside of the chalice to ensure that Blood does not fall from the Spadikon when it is removed from the chalice.
  21. Holding his left palm open under the Spafdikon, the Priest carried the intincted Spadikon down to the Body, and holds it on the south east top corner of the Body.

Priest : The union of the most holy Body and precious Blood of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is united, it is sanctified, it is perfected in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

During these words, the Priest signs the Body with the Blood by making the Sign of the Cross over the Body:

  1. he touches the intincted Spadikon at the top and then the bottom, and then the left and then the right of the outer edge of the Body;
  2. he touches the intincted Spadikon at the centre of the top and then the centre of the bottom of the outer edge of the seal, and then the centre of the left and then the centre of the right of the outer edge of the seal;
  3. he touches the intincted Spadikon to the top right corner of the seal, then to the bottom right corner, then the bottom left corner, and then the top left corner of the seal; and
  4. he signs the Body with the Blood by touching the intincted Spadikon to the Body on the divisions (called the ‘Wounds’) around the circumference, moving from the edge of the Body above the top right corner of the seal, clockwise around the Body, then returning the Spadikon to the edge of the Body above the top right corner of the seal.

Then he repeats these actions a second and a third time.

Priest : This is the Lamb of God, the Son of the Father, Who taketh away the sins of the world, sacrificed for the life and salvation of the world.

Then the Priest, holding the Spadikon in the forefinger and thumb of his right hand:

  1. turns the Spadikon upside down (that is so that the crust bearing the Cross is on the bottom) and raises it slightly above the chalice;
  2. makes the Sign of the Cross with the Spadikon horizontally over the chalice, and then lowers the Spadikon into the chalice, placing it gently into the Blood, with the crosses on the Spadikon downwards, saying:

Priest : The holy portion of Christ, full of grace and truth, of the Father and the Holy Ghost, to Him be glory and dominion unto the ages of ages.

When the people finish singing Kyrie eleison, the Deacon, facing east, says :

Deacon : Master, bless.

The Bishop or Priest, lifting up his hands, says :

Priest : May the Lord bless us and preserve us uncondemned, in the communion of His spotless Gifts, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

People : Amen,

Deacon : Master, bless.

Priest : May the Lord bless and vouchsafe us to receive with immaculate fingers the burning coal, and to place it into the mouths of the believers, for the cleansing and renewal of their souls and bodies, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

People : Amen.

The Bishop or Priest, facing the people, through the holy doors, exclaims:

Priest : Taste and see, that the Lord is good; He is broken but not divided, distributed to believers, yet unconsumed, for the remission of sins and eternal life, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

People : Amen.

Deacon : In the peace of Christ, let us sing.

The deacons enter the Holy Altar by the lesser doors, while the people sing:

The Communion Hymn

People : O taste and see, that the Lord is good. Alleluia !

When the holy Bread has been broken the deacons enter the Sanctuary. The Bishop or Priest, bowing his head, prays before the Holy Altar:

Priest : O Lord our God, the Heavenly Bread, the Life of the whole world, I have sinned against heaven and before Thee and am not worthy to partake of Thy holy and most pure Mysteries, but do Thou, Who art a compassionate God, make me worthy by Thy grace to partake without condemnation of Thy most pure Body and precious Blood, for the remission of sins and eternal life.

Communion of the Clergy

Then the celebrant and the ministers within the sanctuary receive their communion. When the communion of the clergy is completed, the Deacon, standing on the right side of the Holy Altar, says:

Deacon : Master, bless.

The Bishop or Priest gives the chalice to the Deacon, saying :

Priest : Glory to God, Who hath sanctified and doth sanctify us all.

Deacon : Be Thou exalted above the heavens, O God, and Thy glory above all the earth, and Thy kingdom shall endure unto the ages of ages.

Priest : Blessed be the name of the Lord our God, unto the ages of ages.

The Communion of the Faithful

Then the Bishop or Priest takes the diskos with the holy Bread and is preceeded by the deacon, who shows the chalice to the people as he exlaims :

Deacon : With fear of God and with faith and love draw nigh.

People : Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Let my mouth be filled with praise, O Lord, and let my lips be filled with joy, that I may hymn Thy glory.

Then shall follow the communion of the people, which shall be ministered in the manner spoken of by St. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem : “In approaching therefore, come not with thy wrists extended, or thy fingers spread; but make thy left hand a throne for the right, as for that which is to receive a King. And having hollowed thy palm, receive the Body of Christ, saying over it, Amen. So then after having carefully hallowed thine eyes by the touch of the Holy Body, partake of it; giving heed lest thou lose any portion thereof; for whatever thou losest, is evidently a loss to thee as it were from one of thine own members … Then after thou hast partaken of the Body of Christ, draw near also to the Cup of His Blood; not stretching forth thine hands, but bending, and saying with an air of worship and reverence, Amen, allow thyself by partaking also of the Blood of Christ. And while the moisture is still upon thy lips, touch it with thine hands, and hallow thine eyes and brow and the other organs of sense. Then wait for the prayer, and give thanks unto God, Who hath accounted thee worthy of so great mysteries.” [Catechetical Lecture XXIII, 21, 22]

Post Communion Prayers

When communion is completed, the Bishop or Priest blesses the people with the diskos:

Deacon : Master, bless.

Priest : O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance. Glory to our God, Who hath sanctified us all.

The Thanksgiving

People : We thank Thee, O Christ our God, for Thou hast made us worthy to partake of Thy Body and Blood for the forgiveness of sins, and for life everlasting. Preserve us uncondemned, we pray, for Thou art good and lovest mankind.

The clergy enter into the sanctuary and place the holy vessels upon the Holy Altar. The Bishop or Priest places the remaining portions of the holy Bread into the chalice and wipes the diskos as usual. Then taking the censer, he censes the holy Gifts, saying this prayer :

The Prayer of Incense at the Last Entrance

Priest : We thank Thee, God and Saviour of all, for all the good things which Thou hast bestowed upon us; and for the participation of Thy holy and spotless Mysteries. We offer unto Thee this incense, praying Thee to keep us under the shadow of Thy wings; and vouchsafe that, till our last breath, we may receive Thy sanctification : for our souls and bodies and for the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven : for Thou, O God, art our sanctification and to Thee we ascribe glory and thanks, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

People : Amen.

One of the clergy takes the holy Gifts from the Holy Altar and places them upon the Table of Prothesis. Sufficient for the communion of the sick that day having been removed, the remainder shall all be consumed and the vessels reverently and thoroughly abluted.

The Litany of the Consummation

Deacon : Glory to Thee, glory to Thee, glory to Thee, Christ the King, Only-Begotten Word of the Father, for that Thou hast vouchsafed us sinners and Thy unworthy servants to enjoy Thy spotless Mysteries, for the forgiveness of sins and for eternal life : glory to Thee !

Deacon : Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord !

People : Kyrie eleison !

Deacon : That the participation in His sanctification may be to us for a turning away from every evil deed, for provision for the journey to life everlasting and for the communion and gift of the Holy Ghost.

People : Kyrie eleison !

Deacon : Commemorating the most holy, most pure, most glorious and blessed Lady, the Mother of God, and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and all our life unto Christ our God.

People : To Thee, O Lord !

While the Deacon is chanting this final litany, the Bishop or Priest prays quietly :

Prayer for Protection

Priest : O God, Who, for the sake of Thy great and unspeakable tender-heartedness condescended to the weakness of Thy servants and hast accounted us worthy to be partakers of this most heavenly table, judge us not, O Master, as sinners in the communion of Thy most pure Mysteries; but guard us, O Good One, in sanctification, so that being made worthy of Thy most holy Spirit, we may find a portion and inheritance with all the saints who have been well-pleasing to Thee since the world began, in the light of Thy countenance, through the tender mercy of Thine Only-Begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


For blessed and sanctified and most glorified is Thy most honourable and majestic name, of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

People : Amen.

Priest : Peace be unto all.

People : And with thy spirit.

Deacon : Let us bow our heads before the Lord.

People : To Thee, O Lord.

Priest : O Great and wondrous God, look upon Thy servants, for we have bowed our heads before Thee. Stretch forth Thy powerful hands, so full of blessings, and + bless Thy people. Protect Thine inheritance, so that we may always and without cease glorify Thee, our one true and living God, the Holy Trinity, one in essence, Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


For unto Thee is due and belong from us all, every doxology, honour, worship and thanksgiving, to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

People : Amen.

Deacon : In the peace of Christ, let us depart.

Prayer of Dismissal

Deacon : From glory to glory advancing, we hymn Thee, the Saviour of our souls. Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. We hymn Thee, the Saviour of our souls.

Priest : From might to might advancing, and having accomplished all the Divine Mysteries in Thy temple, we now pray Thee, vouchsafe to us Thy full mercy; rightly divide our paths : root us in Thy fear; and count us worthy of Thy heavenly kingdom, in Christ Jesus our Lord, with Whom is due glory, honour and dominion together with the Holy Ghost, both now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

People : Amen.

Dismissal of the Angel of the Sacrifice

The deacon shall then pour some water into the Bishop or Priest’s hands, who shall breathe on it three times while inaudibly saying the three signings of the cross. If other priests are present they, too breathe on the water and repeat the second signing. The Bishop or Priest, standing before the Altar shall dismiss the Angel of the Sacrifice by sprinkling some of the water on the Altar and throwing the rest upwards, as he says inaudibly:

Priest: O Angel of this oblation, ascending to heaven with this praise, remember us before the Lord that He may forgive us our sins.

The Bishop or Priest shall come and stand in front of the royal doors, holding the cross whilst the people shall each come forward to venerate it and to receive some of the Antidoran. After which the Deacon shall exclaim :

Deacon : You are dismissed in peace !

The Recessional of Saint James

From glory unto glory
Advancing on our way,
We hymn Thee, Christ our Saviour,
Our soul’s eternal Stay;
From strength to strength advancing,
As from Thine House we go,
We pray Thee in our weakness,
Thy perfect strength to show.

Direct our ways before Thee,
Preserve us in Thy love,
And grant us through Thy mercy,
Thy heavenly Realm above.
From glory unto glory,
Advancing on our way,
We hymn Thee, Christ our Saviour,
Our soul’s eternal Stay.

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