The British Orthodox Fellowship

The British Orthodox Church has been approached by a growing number of enquirers over the past few years, and it has been plain that a new way of allowing people to discover Orthodoxy was urgently needed.

The British Orthodox Fellowship attempts to answer to that need. It is a dispersed community of friends, enquirers and members of the British Orthodox Church, who are united in their desire to discover how the Orthodox Faith can help them develop and deepen their Christian life.

Anyone with a genuine interest in Orthodoxy can join the British Orthodox Fellowship. There is no membership charge but members are encouraged to benefit by ordering educational and liturgical publications and using Orthodox prayers.

The British Orthodox Fellowship is a means of allowing ordinary British people to experience the faith and spirituality of the British Orthodox Church while they remain members of their own Christian tradition, or even are investigating the Christian Faith for the first time.

The British Orthodox Fellowship is a ministry of the British Orthodox Church. We are committed to helping British people find out more about our Faith in whatever ways are most appropriate for their own circumstances.

Our bishop, Metropolitan Seraphim, is the Patron of the British Orthodox Fellowship, and the priests and clergy are Pastoral Officers, willing and able to provide support and guidance to Fellowship members when requested.

We hope that you will take this opportunity of joining the British Orthodox Fellowship and exploring the Orthodox Faith with us.

Over the past year we have extended our membership which now includes bishops, priests, pastors and lay people from a wide variety of Christian backgrounds.

We have also been able to organise a number of events to which Fellowship members and friends have been invited. These have included special liturgies, study evenings, a study day and a work day.

Through the coming year we hope to organise many such similar events, and also develop the British Orthodox Fellowship in new parts of the country and among an even wider community of Christian members.

How can you join?

The British Orthodox Fellowship is open to anyone who has a genuine desire to discover more about our British Orthodox Faith and Life.

All that we ask of a member is that they pray for the work of the British Orthodox Fellowship, for all of the other members, and for a growth in the understanding and experience of the Orthodox Faith in the British Isles.

We hope that you will want to take up some of the opportunities the British Orthodox Fellowship provides to experience Orthodox Christianity, but we do not demand it. We appreciate that each of us have different circumstances, and are on a unique spiritual pilgrimage.

To apply to join the British Orthodox Fellowship you need to complete the Fellowship JOIN ONLINE. The details you provide will remain confidential and your contact details will not be shared with any other organisation.

We hope that you will take up this offer of joining with us in the British Orthodox Fellowship and exploring the Orthodox Faith.

If you have any questions about the Fellowship please contact [email protected]

Our objective in the coming 12 months is to help new groups of Fellowship members begin to pray together on a regular basis – using the Orthodox prayer services in our various publications.

It is only possible to become more Orthodox by being more Orthodox, learning in practice and experience from the Orthodox spiritual tradition.

Do contact us if you would like to help organise such a group of praying people. They can be members of your own congregation, friends and family, people from your area. Wherever there is a group of people interested in learning about Orthodoxy we hope that we will be able to help.

We are also working to increase the numbers of members and you can help us by encouraging your own friends and contacts to join up with you.